High School Questions


How does the coursework contribute to graduating credit requirements?


Students who take all courses and complete all assigned coursework will earn 5.5 high school credits over the course of each school year. With the addition of math, science, and physical education at home, students will be positioned to meet and exceed recommended graduation requirements in the state of Missouri and entrance requirements at higher education institutions. The breakdown of credits would look like this:

Year 1:

  • Social Studies: 1.5

  • English: 1.5

  • Electives: 1

  • Fine Arts: .5

  • Foreign Language: 1

Year 2:

  • Social Studies: 1

  • English: 1.5

  • Electives: 1

  • Fine Arts: .5

  • Health: .5

  • Foreign Language: 1

Year 3:

  • Social Studies: 1

  • English: 1.5

  • Electives: 1

  • Fine Arts: .5

  • Personal Finance: .5

  • Foreign Language: 1

Year 4:

  • Social Studies: 1.5

  • English: 1.5

  • Electives: 1

  • Practical Arts: .5

  • Foreign Language: 1

KCCH will provide each student with a transcript template with suggested course names and credits. Parents will ultimately determine their student’s final grades and compile their transcript. 



Why don’t you offer math and science?


We recognize that math and science are difficult subjects to teach at home at higher levels, thus many families are looking for co-ops that offer them. We have chosen not to offer them for four reasons:

  1. Capacity: As a new and growing co-op, we do not have the capacity to offer these subjects at this time.

  2. Focus: One benefit of co-op participation is the chance for students to engage with their peers as they develop critical thinking and communication skills. We’ve chosen to focus on subjects that have a high opportunity for collaborative and interactive engagement inside and outside the classroom.

  3. Trajectory: Math and science requirements are highly specific to a student’s future trajectory regarding their college and career goals. The subjects we offer will equip all students with key skills that will help them succeed, flourish, and live godly lives regardless of their intended educational goals or career path. 

  4. Availability: Math and science courses are widely available to students through a-la-carte programs, dual enrollment at community colleges, and online classes.  

While we do not offer math and science at KCCH, we can provide guidance on finding curriculum or class options for those subjects. We also have moms in our co-op with backgrounds in science and/or math who may be able to offer struggling students help in those areas on a case-by-case basis. 



How do you handle grading in High School?



General Co-Op Questions


What levels do you have in the co-op?


We have several classroom levels:

  • Kindergarten: Age 5
    Acceptance to the Kinder program for 4 year olds is rare and on a case-by-case basis, depending on maturity and classroom readiness. Kindergarten programming will will be customized to this special time in child's development, with heavy focus on stories, Scripture, character development, and play-based learning. 
  • Emergent Elementary:  Grades 1-2
    Children in this level must be at least 6 years old by September 1.  Emergent reading is recommended, fluency is not required.  Maximum age is 9.
  • Intermediate Elementary:  Grades 3-4
    Children in this level must be at least 7 years old by September 1.  Reading is highly recommended, fluency is not required.  Maximum age is 10.
  • Upper Elementary:  Grades 5-6
    Children in this level must be at least 8 years old by September 1.  Fluent reading is recommended but not required.  Maximum age is 13.
  • Middle School:  Grades 7-9
    Children in this level must be at least 11 years old by September 1.  Fluent reading is highly recommended.  Maximum age is 14.
    Students in Middle School will be required to complete assignments at home for all classes. At this level, we expect our students to begin the process of being more invested in their academic learning.  We will be utilizing an online platform for homework submission, and the students will be expected to keep their work well-organized in order to be able to look back at previous assignments. We will be helping the students set up their binders at the beginning of the school year to allow for continuity in the classroom, and teachers will be checking in with students to help them keep things organized. Parents will still be responsible for evaluation of all student work, but teachers will be available as a resource in this area.  It is the discretion of parents whether to enroll their 9th grade student into the Middle School or High School program.
  • High School: Grades 9 +
    Children in this level must be at least 14 years old.
    Students in High School will be required to complete assignments at home for all classes. At this level, we expect our students to begin the process of being more invested in their academic learning.  We will be utilizing an online platform for homework submission, and the students will be expected to keep their work well-organized in order to be able to look back at previous assignments. Students will be expected to engage in higher level critical thinking in their classes, and our focus will be to partner with parents in preparing students to be successful adults. Parents will still be responsible for evaluation of most student work, but teachers will be available as a resource in this area.  It is the discretion of parents whether to enroll their 9th grade student into the Middle School or High School program. 

Parents are free to enroll their children in the level that they feel appropriate for their child as long as they follow these age guidelines.  The guidelines offer some flexibility.  If you are unsure which level would be best for your student, please email [email protected].

Programming for children younger than Kindergarten will only be provided to younger siblings. 


When does the school year start?


There a few important dates in August, and then classes start in September. The academic calendar will not be released to the public for the protection of our families. Once you have joined the co-op, you will have access to all the dates you need. If you have concerns about dates that impact your ability to join the co-op, you can reach out to the director and she will answer your specific questions.


Can families with just preschool students enroll?


At this time, we are only enrolling families that have at least one child that is in Kindergarten or above.  There could be special circumstances in which we allow admittance to a family whose elsest child is in Kindergarten.

Childcare and/or Preschool is exclusively offered to families with younger siblings of Co-Op students.


What do I do on the other days of the week?


The main focus of our Morning Block is Language Arts skills, delivered in an age-appropriate manner.  These skills will include composition, grammar, public speaking, and some literature.  All students, in all levels, will be assigned required homework from Morning Block that will be sufficient for Language Arts learning.  It will not be necessary to use any additional curriculum for composition, grammar, or public speaking at home.  You may decide to assign additional literature consumption as part of your homeschool.  Homework for Morning Block can be counted as core hours.

The classes that your children participate in for the afternoon will also provide homework assignments according to grade level.  Some of these classes will be academic in nature and that homework will count toward core hours.  Other classes will be enrichment, counting toward non-core hours.

It will be the responsibility of each family to determine how to build the remainder of their homeschool.  You will definitely need to choose a math program for each student in your family.  Depending on what choices of classes you have made for your children in the afternoon classes at co-op, you will need to fill any gaps in their core and non-core education.  Check the Class Catalog to start planning your students' school year.

Here are some core subjects to consider: composition (covered at co-op, homework included), grammar (covered at co-op, homework included), public speaking (covered at co-op, homework included), literature (some included at co-op, may want to supplement), social studies (history, geography, humanities), math, science (many disciplines to consider).

Here are some non-core subjects to consider:  visual arts, dramatic arts, music, sports, practical arts, home economics, technology, and so much more.


We will also be offering a calendar of social opportunities throughout the school year. This will include everything from library days to field trips that have fees.


If you are in need of support in the process of planning and builidng your homeschool year, reach out to our director!  We would love the opportunity to sit with you and provide guidance in this process.


How many people will be in the co-op?


During each of our first years of the co-op, we served 15-20 families each year, totalling approximately 60 children each year.  This has been a great size for us.  We plan to stay roughly the same in size.  As we expand into High School, it is possible that the number of families grows.  We do not have an enrollment cap in terms of a maximum number of families or students, but we do have class size limits.  Enrollment  will be limited accoridng to space available in each class and parents willing to volunteer to teach.

Class size limits:

Preschool: 10 students
Kinder:  10 students
Elementary: 15 students
Middle:  10 students
High School 10 students


Do you have a waiting list?


Yes, we do have the ability to maintain a waiting list.

Fortunately, we have not yet had the need to maintain a waiting list.  If the need arises, and our enrollment does not allow for additional families, we will notify you that you have been added to a waiting list.  In order to be placed on the waiting list, you will need to complete the first three steps of the registration process - application, application fee, and interview.


Can I bring a child to campus that is not enrolled in KCCH programming?


With our expansion into High School programming, there would be no need to bring a child from your family to campus that is not enrolled in the program.  We have a place for everyone!  Here are some possible special cases:

  • Babies that are not old enough to go into the child care room.  BABIES ARE MORE THAN WELCOME, and we want you to register them on your application, even if they don't "count" as a student.  You are welcome to keep your baby with you.
  • Children with special needs.  While we do not have specific services for children with disabilites or learning differences, we desire to allow inclusion to the greatest of our ability!  If you have a child with special needs in your family, please reach out to our director to discuss the possibilities.
  • Family visitors.  If you have one-time or out-of-town guests on a co-op day, it is usually possible for us to accomodate them for a visit.  This always needs to be arranged in advance for the safety of our other families.


Will grades be given for classes?


We at KCCH we believe in family sovereignty.  That means if you as a homeschooling parent want to assign grades for your children’s school work, you are responsible to do it.  Instructors at KCCH are simply responsible to lead classes on co-op days and teach new skills during those classes.  Many of them are also great at communicating during the week and offering support to parents as needed. 

Middle and High School students will be utilizing our online platform to submit homework for all of their classes. This is intended to be an opportunity for them to begin engaging in greater accountability with their academics. It will not, however, replace the need for parents to evaluate work at home.


How much homework will we get?


Homework will be assigned on an age-appropriate continuum.

All levels will have required homework each week for Morning Block.  You will find more specific information in the Class Catalog about what to expect for homework.

Our Middle and High School students will have required homework in all subjects.  At this point in your child’s academic career, homework not only bolsters the skills they are learning, but also helps to foster a culture of being organized, responsible, and competent. Students will also be expected to engage in classroom activities and discussions.


Do you have a Code of Conduct?


We will foster a culture of speaking LIFE into one another.  Words of encouragement and positivity are what we will teach our children to use.  We will work together to capitalize on one another’s strengths and lift each others’ arms as we work to improve our weaknesses.

We do not tolerate bullying of any kind.

All adults and children in the co-op will sign a Word and Deed Agreement. In this agreement, we will commit to treat one another as Image Bearers of Christ.



Do you have a Dress Code?


We ask that everyone on campus dress with modesty and respect toward those around you.  Please make attire choices that glorify God.


What is your discipline policy?


We believe that parents are responsible for disciplining their own children.  If a child has difficulty participating in class appropriately and does not respond to simple positive correction, the parent will be requested to help with the situation. We do have a discipline policy that helps teachers and parents work together to correct more severe or persistent behavioral situations.



How much do I have to be involved?


We at KCCH see getting involved as an opportunity!  All families must be represented on campus during classes by at least one adult.*  Any adults that plan to be on campus on a regular basis will be required to have a background screening on file.  In order to run a co-op, we need teachers!  Parents that volunteer to teach will receive a $150 discount toward their family's tuition.  Parents that are not teachers will be assigned a schedule to assist in classrooms.  Each adult on campus will have one class period in the parent lounge.

We hope that you’ll be excited to be as active as possible!  In addition to class days, we will be offering field trips and playdates throughout the school year.  We invite you to participate - and to even help plan them!  We also have some needs as a co-op for help in administrative duties, yearbook creation, social media engagement, and website maintenance.


*High School students may apply for membership to the co-op as individuals OR as a part of a family.  Individual High School students may attend classes without a parent on campus.


What does it look like to be an instructor?


Parents that would like to teach a class will be asked to fill out a brief application.  Teaching experience is not a requirement to apply to be a co-op teacher!  The application will give you a chance to indicate what classes you’d like to teach.  Preferences will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis in most cases.  Parents that volunteer to teach will receive a $150 discount toward their family's tuition. 

There is a required all-day teacher training before the beginning of the school year, and also some meeting throughout the school year.  It is possible that you will need to meet individually with the director over the summer for planning.

Teachers will receive a syllabus and be loaned curricula to use to teach the classes they are assigned if they do not have a student from their home in that class.  Supplies will be purchased for you.  Prep work will vary based on subject, but will be manageable if not minimal.

Click here for more information and a link to the instructor application.


So what does a parent’s day look like?


Every parent will have a personalized schedule, letting them know where they will need to serve for each of the class periods and lunch.  One of the class periods will be a break time in the parent lounge.


How do background checks work?


Background screenings will be performed on all adults that will be on campus. If a screening reveals something about an adult that sparks concern, a thorough background check will be performed.  This expense is built into the tuition.


Can I as a parent ever leave my kids on campus without me?


This is not something that our Co-Op can support on a regular basis.  There are rare exceptions that can be met to fill specific needs, and that will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If you have some other emergency on co-op day during the year, you will need to speak directly with the Director to decide what can be worked out. 


What supports do you have in place for moms?


It is our prayer that just being involved with KCCH would be a blessing and help parents feel supported in their homeschool.  With that said, we have been very puposeful in building certain things into our culture as specific supports to parents:

  • Parent Break Room - each parent receives one session during the co-op day as a break.  We have a room designated as the break room that offers coffee and tea, and we take turns bringing in a treat that's just for us moms.  Children are not permitted into this sacred space.
  • Long Recess - We schedule a long recess after lunch to allow for children to have free time to play and grow in friendships AND for moms to do the same!  We encourage moms to use this time in ways that bless them.  That may include getting involved with the children and their play, finding a quiet corner to take a breathe, or gathering with other moms to connect and grow in friendship.
  • Monthly Mom Nights - every first Thursday of the month is set aside for the moms of the co-op.  Sometimes those meetings will have a special theme, and sometimes we'll just enjoy taking a moment to have fewer demands on us.
  • Teacher Checkins - our parents will receive communication from the instructors of their children's classes to ensure that everything is going smoothly at home in regard to co-op classes.
  • Website Dashboard - we have launched a new website that enhances our ability as a co-op to stay up-to-date with events, classes, homework, and more!  These new features are designed to streamline information for parents and make things easier to manage.