Statement of Belief

We are a community of home educators that desire to love God and one another in all that we do.  As a community, we share a set of values that describe us.  We are committed to one another, and these values are what unite us:

  • We place the Gospel of Jesus Christ (as described in the 66 books of the Holy Bible) as our preeminent truth.  Our top value is to raise our children in a way that will influence them to place their trust in our Savior.  We ascribe to the Apostles’ Creed, which describes the major tenets of Christianity.
    Proverbs 22:6, Romans 10:8-11

  • We place a high value on a life of worship and prayer.  We desire for these things to be central to our community, and appreciate the depth that it will bring to our friendships.
    Psalm 133, Hebrews 10:24-25

  • We value Home Education, and appreciate the liberty we have to teach our children according to the leadership of our Lord.  We desire to use methods that encourage curiosity about God’s Creation and how our world interacts with God’s Law.
    Psalm 19, Job 28, 38-39

  • We value relationships.  We will put others before ourselves, show the love of Christ, and always reach toward one another and Jesus in the face of conflict.  Forgiveness and reconciliation will always be a priority, and we will not tolerate any bullying. 
    Matthew 18:15-20, Matthew 5:23-24

  • We hold a Biblical Worldview, and as such we believe in: the sanctity of all human life, God's perfect will in assigning biological gender, and that marriage is intended to be held between one man and one woman.  Conversations about provocative issues should be handled with grace, and all divisive speech will be avoided. 
    1 Peter 3:15, Titus 3:10

  • We value a parent's relationship with their child(ren).  As such, the parents in our co-op are fully involved with our programming in and out of the classroom.  At co-op we ask our parents to help their children to follow the tenets of our Beliefs Statement and our Word & Deed Agreement..
    Ephesians 6, Colossians 3:20-21

  • We value leadership.  Leaders are put in place to bring unity, facilitate communication, and promote the values of the co-op.  All participants in our co-op are encouraged to find a way to take ownership and get involved, and the Director and teachers are in place to help make that happen. 
    Hebrews 13:17

  • We value modesty.  We will each consider our choices in dress and behavior that does not draw undue attention to ourselves or our bodies.  Because we believe that we are created in the image of God, we want to teach our children to know they are inherently cherished. 
    1 Corinthians 6:19-20

  • We value diversity.  We want our community to be filled with individuals that look, sound, and think differently.  Our love for Jesus compels us to love and include all people.  We acknowledge that agreement and unity do not have to be the same thing, but God invites us to celebrate our differences and extend His grace to all of His creation. 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, Romans 12:4-5, Ephesians 2:11-22