Instructor Requirements

We are looking for co-op parents that are enthusiastic about helping their children and friends learn about about the world that God made! 

We need teachers in all subject areas, and we are excited to talk to you about how you can contribute to our teaching team. Instructors get the opportunity to work with a smaller team of co-op parents to lead and encourage the families that are represented in their classes.

Instructors for the 2025-2026 school year will be required to teach 2-4 class sessions to qualify for the $150 instructor discount. Morning Block counts as 2 sessions. 

What we expect of instructors:

  • Instructors must have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ that bears visible fruit to the people in their immediate community.
  • Instructors should consistently support the families that are represented in their classes in prayer, either in private or while physically with those families.
  • Instructors may participate in class planning for their assigned classes over the summer. If they are not avaiable for summer planning, they must adhere to the syllabus that is provided to them.
  • Instructors will need to spend 1-2 hours per week in preparation for their teaching time. Most of this preparation time involves reading and studying the content and activities so that they are ready to teach and lead. It may also include some light prep work or practicing of skills, depending on the material being taught.
  • Instructors are expected to touch base with the parent of each student in every class they teach at least twice per semester.
  • Classroom management will be handled by Instructors according to co-op policies, with the support of the other parents and the Director.
  • Instructors will post weekly updates for each class that they teach to the class forum and publish homework assignments to the classroom dashboard.

What Instructors can expect from the Director/Co-Op:

  • The Co-Op will provide any curriculum that the Instructor does not already own from the Co-Op's lending library.
  • The Director will provide all printed materials necessary to teach the classes. This includes all syllabi, course descriptions, and any materials that need to be printed for classroom activities.
  • The Director/Co-Op will purchase all materials necessary to teach the class on behalf of the Instructors. Instructors will not be expected to shop for classroom or activity supplies; rather, they may simply request needed supplies from the Director.
  • The Director will maintain a collection of classroom supplies that will be available on a regular basis without needing to be requested inlcuding paper, scissors, glue, tape, writing and drawing utensils, and the like.
  • The Director will regularly check in with Instructors about their class(es), pray with and for them, give guidance as needed, and help them prepare in any needed way they need that she is able.
  • The Director will maintain the website and communication forums and assist as necessary with homework posting and grade recording.


If you are interested in teaching a class in our co-op, please navigate to the Instructor Application and fill out the form. We are considering several options for our afternoon class offerings, and we are hoping to find teachers who are particularly interested in the topics they are teaching! If the list of subject on our application does not include something you have on your heart to teach, please let us know so that we can consider it.